The city that sank into the sea (FBCNL Cyber Tank #3)

The city that sank into the sea


「誰か! 誰かいませんかー!」カオリは大声で呼びかけた。





「ビンゴ! 当たりだよ、カオリ」彼は手を叩いた。

「コインが必要なんじゃない? そういう自販機なんだし」
「システムコール! アカウントはEIJI298755Zα」

 Kaori and Eiji flew their air bikes and arrived at a city submerged in the ocean.
 It looks as if the city has sunk due to global warming, but there is no such setting in the VR world.  This is the result of the overlapping of different VR worlds.
 The two of us stayed on the air bike and looked at the submerged city.
“Are there any people here?” Kaori asked.
“There must have been. We’ll look for other people, but at the same time we need to find a node that can access the system. There should be a node that corresponds to a save point, in the old fashioned sense of the word,” Eiji said.
“You know a lot, don’t you?”
“Well, I’m a classic game geek.”
 The two of them flew their air bikes towards the submerged city in the dusk.

 The air bike slowly made its way through the buildings.
“Anybody! Is anyone there!” Kaori called out loudly.
 But there was no response.
“It’s weird. It can’t be unattended,” said Eiji.
“I wonder where everyone has gone.”
“It’s strange that not only the logged-in users but also the system characters are missing. The dinosaur characters were there. What’s going on?”
“Were they rescued and logged out?”
“No, then we should have logged out, too. It’s impossible that we are the only survivors.”
He thought about the possibilities.

 Cyberspace can be compared to a “bubble”.
 One bubble is one world. Multiple bubbles in cyberspace are like multiple soap bubbles. This structure is also connected to cosmology.
 The bubble cosmology tells us that there are multiverses. Just like soap bubbles, bubbles in the universe sometimes burst, sometimes merge, and change their shape. This is observed as the expansion of the universe.
 Cyberspace was created as a closed world, but it unintentionally began to expand and grow. The law of increasing entropy also operates as a physical law in the world of electrons. This is because cyberspace was designed to mimic the real world as closely as possible, and the laws of physics were designed to work the same way.
 Just like the real universe, cyberspace is expanding. It was a fate that could no longer be escaped and could no longer be controlled. The only difference between the real universe and cyberspace is where it exists.
 The fusion of worlds could be said to be one of the growth processes of cyberspace.

 The cyberspace that exists on the network is not as simple as just turning off the power and disappearing. The network now extends beyond the Earth’s surface to orbiting satellites, colonies, the Moon, Mars, and some of the asteroids, and even if any hub goes down, there are many hubs to supplement it. The structure makes it virtually impossible to bring down the entire network.
 The size of cyberspace is also a function of how much data storage capacity there is, and that capacity is increasing every day. That is what is driving the expansion.

 The outburst of the VR world, which would later be known as the “Fusion Burst,” was the first step in the birth of the Cyber Universe.
 It was inevitable, but for Kaori and Eiji, who were involved, it was a matter of life and death.

 They landed the air bike on the roof of what they thought was a shopping mall and entered the building.
 The purpose was to get something for Kaori to wear, to look for other survivors, and to find an access point.
 A store clerk called out to her. It was a preset character, not a logged-in user. It was hard to tell them apart from their appearance.
 Kaori tried on the clothes.
“Hey, hey, is this cute?”
 I asked him as I picked up a dress that looked like something I would wear to a party.
“No, no, no, not that kind of dress. You have to choose clothes that are easy to move in and can protect your body. For example, a rider’s suit,” Eiji complained.
“I know. I’m just asking,” she complained.
 She re-selected her clothes and, in response to his request, chose a rider suit and tried it on.
“I’ll take it. I’ll just wear it.”
 She said to the shopkeeper.
“Thank you very much.”
 The payment was automatic from her account, but she wasn’t sure if it was working or not.

 They walked around the building, but there seemed to be no one there except for the preset characters.
“How can you be so carefree when the city is under water,” Kaori said.
“The preset characters don’t know anything about that. They just do what they are programmed to do,” said Eiji.
“What does an access point look like?”
“Classically they are phone booths, ATMs or information terminals, but since this is a futuristic city, it could be something else. As a hint, I’d say it’s there, but it’s unnatural and out of place.”
“So what about that one?”
 She pointed to a coin-operated vending machine for drinks. Now that electronic money is the norm, no one carries coins around with them.
“Bingo!  You hit it, Kaori,” he clapped his hands.

 Eiji stood in front of the vending machine and tried to push various buttons, but there was no response.
“How does it work?”
“I think you need coins. It’s a vending machine.”
“Who the hell has coins?”
“I saw in an old movie once that sometimes coins are left where the change comes out.”
 He puts his finger in the pocket where the coins exit.
“There it is!”
 He pulled out a ten-yen coin. He takes out a ten-yen coin and puts it in the coin slot.
 But nothing happened.
“Why don’t you press the button?”
 She pressed the button.
“The amount is insufficient,” the vending machine responded.
“Maybe it’s connected to the system,” he said.
“System call! My account is EIJI298755Z Alpha.
“EIJI298755Z-alpha confirmed. Waiting for next command.”
“I’m connected!” He shouted.
“I need access to the robot in my room.”
“Requested access location not found.”
“What do you mean?”
“EIJI298755Z Alpha’s room cannot be found.”
“It’s not in the world, it’s in my physical room. The address is …….”
 He gave the address.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I still can’t find the access point. I’m afraid there’s been some sort of problem.”
 All was not well.

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