Our lifeline is an antique telephone. (FBCNL Cyber Tank #6)

Our lifeline is an antique telephone.


「番号の組み合わせか? ヒントがなにもないじゃないか」

「カオリ? わたしなの?」
「なんの悪ふざけですか? 迷惑です」
「待って! 切らないで! 悪ふざけじゃないの、助けて欲しいの」

「エイジさん? そんな方は知りません」
「なんの話でしょうか? いい加減にしてください」
「そうか! ということは、君は29歳だね」
「ありがとう! メッセージはこうだ。ピージジジジーーージジーージジーー……」

「思い出した! なぜ忘れていたんだろう? 今の会話、昔した記憶があるわ!」





  They reached an old-fashioned domed hall where they found a vintage dial telephone.
Placed on the floor in the middle of the hall, the phone was so out of place that it suggested that it was something special.
“An antique phone would be like asking me to use this,” Eiji said.
“Will it connect?” Kaori asked.
“If it is not connected, it must be a trap or something.”
 Eiji sat cross-legged next to the phone, while Kaori lay on the floor with her cheek resting on the floor.
 His eyes lingered on her breasts. Her jacket was wide open at the breast, highlighting her cleavage.
“Your posture is a little arousing,” he said, embarrassed.
“It’s okay, you can watch. It’s your avatar,” she laughed mischievously.
 He shrugged his shoulders.

 Eiji takes a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll try.”
 He picks up the receiver of the phone and puts it to his ear.
 I hear a dial tone sounding like a twang.
“Uh, hello?” He said.
 No answer.
“Have you ever used an old-fashioned phone?” Kaori asked.
“No, I haven’t.”
“Give it to me.”
 She reached out with her right hand and picked up the receiver.
“Oh, that’s the sound of a line in standby. You’ll have to dial somewhere to make the call.”
“A combination of numbers? I don’t have a clue.”
“Why don’t you try dialing emergency number 119?”
 He pressed the number on the dial with his fingertip.
“No, it’s not. This is for turning.”
 She put her finger on the dial and turned it to the finger stop, 119.
“You know it well.”
“An old movie. By the time I was a kid, these phones were extinct.”
 Trululu…… Trululu……, the dial tone rings.

“Hello?” She said.
“The number you have dialed is no longer in service.”
 The automated voice answered.
“No luck.What about 911?”
 She dialed 911. The same answer came back.
“I’m sure it’ll lead somewhere. The problem is the number,” he pondered.
 She looked like she had an idea.
“Yes, why don’t you call yourself?”
“I don’t have a phone, I use the terminal on my account.”
“I have one at home.”
 She dialed her own number.
 The line connected.
“Hello?” She said.
“Yes, it’s Kaori,” the other person answered.
“Kaori? Is that me?”
“Who are you?”
“I’m Kaori, too. Are you calling me from my avatar?”
“What kind of joke is this? It’s annoying.”
“Hold on! Don’t hang up! I’m not playing a joke, I need your help.”
 She was getting impatient.

“Kaori, calm down. I’ll take over.”
 Eiji picked up the phone.
“Hello, I’m Eiji, a friend of Kaori’s.”
“Eiji-san? I don’t know who that is.”
“Are you an assistant AI?”
“What are you talking about? That’s enough.”
“Please answer me. You’re not an assistant AI, are you?”
“No. I’m not. That’s too much.”
“Tell me what year it is, what year is it now?”
“It’s the year 2031. What about it?”
“Oh, yeah! That means you’re 29.”
“Yeah, but is this some kind of a surprise?”
“Something like that. I just want to ask you one thing. Are you recording this conversation?”
“That’s basic security.”
“Then I want you to send a recording of the message to the e-mail address I’ll give you later. It’s a surprise relay. Can you do that?”
“You sound like you’re in a tight spot. Sure, I’ll do it.”
“Thank you. The message goes like this. Pee-jee-jee-jee-jee-jee-……”
“Is that the noise you want?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. It’s a code.”
“Okay. I’ll send it to you.”
“Thank you so much.”
 The phone went dead.

 Kaori had a surprised look on her face.
“I remember! How could I have forgotten? I remember that conversation we had a long time ago!”
“I see. That was you in the past, wasn’t it? I had a hunch. You sent me the recording, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I did. I just forgot about it. What did you send?”
“It’s binary data converted to sound.”
“Who did you send it to?”
“To myself. But since I wasn’t born yet 60 years ago, the address is unknown and an error will occur. Normally, the error process would erase the data, but the binary data I sent is a latent virus. I’ve hidden it in the server and set it to wake up exactly sixty years later.”
“When did you do that?”
“I have a lot of stuff in my pocket that I can process in the background.”
“So, what happens now?”
“You’ll see.”

 rrring…… rrring…… rrring…… rrring
 The phone rang.
“Here it comes!”
 He picks up the phone.
“It’s me.”
“QD98. Master, please give the order.”
It was his other robot that answered.
“I need an IV in my body, ASAP. As soon as possible.”
“Yes, sir.”
 After a while, he felt the needle in his arm and the breathlessness eased.
“Did it work?” She said with concern.
“Yeah. At least we bought ourselves some time.”

“QD98, please contact the control center and inform them that we are unable to log out. Kaori and I are in the same cyberspace. I want you to show me the way out.
Also, communication is not always possible, so in case of emergency, contact me via pain communication. Then the signal from there will be transmitted to me.”
“Understood, Master Eiji.”
 He put down the phone.
“What is pain communication?” She asked.
“They stick electrodes in my skin and send Morse code. It tingles and hurts and I can feel it. It’s classic, but it’s useful in an emergency.”

 rrring…… rrring……
 The phone rang again.
“It’s Eiji,” he said as he picked up the phone.
“This is the Control Center. I’d like to send you a map of our escape route, can you receive binary data?”
“Can you convert it to sound data and send it to me?”
“Yes, sir. OK, when you can receive it.”
“Receiving OK.”
 The data transmission continued for several minutes.
“Transmission complete.”
“Received. Is there a human administrator?”
“Human operators are currently unable to intervene in cyberspace.”
“What are the prospects for recovery?”
“Unknown, sir. We are hopeful that the user will be able to find an escape route.”
“All right. I’ll try.”
“This is the end of the line.”

 Eiji restored the sound data he had received and brought the map up on the pop-up display.
“This is the exit?” She asked.
“I hope so, it says we have six hours to get there. It says the world is being merged and is changing every minute.”
 They stood up and started walking towards the exit.

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