Jade Elf in the Grotto (Ezaphos #10)

Jade Elf in the Grotto








「オレはカイト。異世界から召喚された人間だ。こっちは同じく召喚された人間でサラ。それと王宮魔術師のアステールと護衛で獣人 ベスティアン のパイオスだ」

「それ! 彼女だって女なんだし、着るものと甘いものには興味があるはず」とサラ。

「今から? 王宮まで行っていたら朝になってしまうよ」

 In the world of Ezaphos, the underground world of Hupogeion spreads like a net.
One of the races that live in the Hupogeion is the Jade Elves. They are so called because of their jade-like green skin. They rarely come out of the ground and spend most of their lives underground.

 Contact with the races above ground is limited, but the underground is the domain of the Jade Elves, and they trade in rare mineral resources.
 The trade is with both elves and evil races. They were not involved in the struggle for supremacy above ground, and took a neutral position.
 Iron ore, copper ore, gold, silver, crystal, and various gems supplied by the Jade Elves are used to make weapons such as swords and spears, ornaments, and magical tools. Grain, textiles, dried meat, and seafood were offered as barter items.

 According to legend, they split off from the elven races in ancient times and came to live underground. It was a time before the birth of nations and the competition for survival was fierce, so the ancestors of the Jade Elves sought a way to live underground.
 After thousands of generations, they became adapted to the underground. They can now see with a little light, but the daylight above ground is too bright for them. The only time they go above ground is at night.
 Since they are of elven descent, they have a fair amount of magical power. It is said that they use magic to mine mineral resources.

 In the past, there were conflicts with the races above ground. But in the underworld, the aboveground races could not compete with them. At some point, they settled down into an inviolable relationship.
 Since then, the trade of goods needed by each other has continued in a small way.

 The entrances to the Hupogeion are caves in sheer quays and caves deep in the mountains. Only the Jade Elves know where and how many entrances there are. Few entrances were known to the races on the ground, and those that were were forbidden to approach.
 In one of the lullabies, it is sung.

The first grotto is a bat house.
The second grotto is the home of the bear
The third grotto is the home of the Jade Elves.
Don’t go near them or they’ll rip your skin off.
Now, let’s go home.

 They are afraid of the Jade Elves and try to keep people away from them. This is to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
 The truth is that Jade Elves are not violent and do not attack people indiscriminately. They are skilled in combat and have a high level of magic, but the same is true for the races on earth.

 Fengali, the head of the Serinorisos Tribe of Jade Elves, was waiting at the entrance of the grotto for the regular negotiations with the elven tribes. They are a feminine race, and it is a woman who serves as their chief.
 She sensed the footsteps of five people approaching. Jade Elves are not only night-sighted, but also have good hearing.
“There are so many of you here today,” Fengali said.
“I’m sorry. I have brought someone with me that I would like you to meet,” the elven negotiator said.
 Fengali’s nose twitched.
“You smell different from the elves.”
“My name is Kaito. I’m Kite, a human summoned from another world. This is Sara, who was also summoned, along with Aster, the royal sorceress, and Phaios, the Bestian guard.”
“It’s an interesting mix. What do you want?” Fengali said.
 Let me get straight to the point: we want you to suspend your dealings with the Evil Races,” Kaito said.
“That’s not possible. We are neutral. Do not involve us in your earthly disputes.”
“The resources supplied by the Jade Elves have become a tool of conflict. Without the supply, they can’t make weapons. Without weapons, there will be no great war.”
“That’s sophistry. Even when there were no weapons, there were battles. Weapons have only changed the way we fight. Besides, if we only supply you with resources, the fighting will continue.”
“I heard that some of the evil races are digging up the Hupogeion without permission. Could they be raiding your territory?”
“I’m aware of that. I’m aware of that, but I don’t think you’ll find much in the places they’re digging. We’ve warned them, and they’ll eventually come to us for supplies.”
“We want it to stop. Just temporarily. We want to buy some time.”
“What are you willing to offer in return?”
“I’ll double the exchange with what the evil races will pay.”
“That’s not worth the risk, you’re making an enemy of the evil races, quadruple it.”
“Wait a minute. We’ ll discuss it.”

“Master Kaito, quadrupling is absurd,” Aster protested.
“But it will postpone the renewed offensive of the evil races. Six months or even a year would be ideal,” Kaito said.
“I wish I could be a good fighter,” Sara said.
“It was Aster who said it would take at least six months to train Sara. It will take about the same amount of time to train the new recruits,” Kaito said.
“That’s true, but …… quadruple is a bit much,” Aster said.
“What is the weakness of the Jade Elves, or rather what is it that they want most?” Phaios asked.
 All eyes were on the negotiator.
“I’m not sure there’s anything in particular …… that they want, but if I had to guess, textiles and sugar. She seemed to like sweets.”
“That! She’s a woman, too, and she’s interested in clothes and sweets,” Sara said.
“Okay, let’s take her to the palace and treat her to beautiful clothes and sweet food,” said Kaito.

 Kaito returns to Fengali’s presence.
“Have you come to a conclusion?” She said.
“Before that, I would like to invite you to the palace. That would be nice, wouldn’t it?” Kaito suggested.
“Now? If we go to the palace, it will be too late in the morning.”
“Don’t worry about that. We can be there in an instant. There are wizards over here.”
 She was unsure how to respond.
“All right, I’ll accept the invitation. I’ll take five of my soldiers with me.”
“All right, it’s decided. Astaire, Sara, please.”
 The two wizards activated the transfer spell together and transported the group to the royal palace.

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