Unexpected Encounters on the Beach (FBCNL Cyber Tank #1)

Unexpected Encounters on the Beach

「え? なに? そういうシナリオだっけ?」




「誰か! 助けて!」
「ねぇ、ちょっと待って! わたしも連れて行って。ログアウトできなくて、どうしたらいいのかわからないの」


「え? なにか方法があるの?」
「え? わたしも」


 Kaori was relaxing on the beach when she suddenly stumbled upon a dinosaur.
“Huh? What? Is that the scenario?”
 The VR world she chose was Lanikai Beach in Hawaii. She had planned to spend a relaxing time there.
“Log out!” she said.
 But she couldn’t log out.
“Hey, hey, hey, give me a break!”
 Her eyes met the dinosaur’s, but the dinosaur seemed surprised.
“This is virtual, right? The dinosaurs aren’t real, are they?”
 She tried to tell herself, but she could not shake the fear.

 The ultra-realistic VR world of “Paradisus” offered a literal “paradise”. The cyber tank that uses the  ”Full Body Connection Nanomachine Liquid” (FBCNL) is what makes it so real that you can feel all five senses.
 ”Paradisus” was the first cyberspace designed on the premise of FBCNL.

 The VR worlds were prepared in a variety of situations, with some recreating the real world and others recreating the Jurassic period when dinosaurs lived. Each world is managed independently, so it was believed that the worlds would not intersect.
 However, something that was unlikely to happen had happened.

 The control center was unexpected and could not handle the situation.
 The users were unable to log out, and if they could not log out, they could not shut down or restart the world. Since the users and cyberspace are extremely closely connected by FBCNL, a forced termination could have caused serious damage to the users’ body and mind.
 In fact, there have been cases in the past where cyber tanks have stopped functioning due to accidents, leaving users in a coma and dead.
 As it was a popular VR world, there were more than 10 million users logged in. Their lives would be in danger if they could not regain control.

 Kaori tried to stand up, but was too terrified to do so.
“Somebody! Help me!”
 She shouted.
 In response to her voice, a dinosaur approached her.
 She was hugged from behind and her mouth was covered with hands.
“Shh. Don’t scream. You’ll irritate the dinosaurs.”
 The man’s voice said.
“It’s okay.It’s a Dicraeosaurus, a herbivore, so it’s not dangerous.”
 The dinosaur, which had been staring at them, suddenly turned and started to move towards the forest.
 He broke the embrace.
“We’d better get out of here. If there are herbivorous dinosaurs, there are probably carnivorous dinosaurs too,” he said.
“Oh, thank you,” she said.
 He gave a small wave and turned to leave.
“Hey, wait a minute! Take me with you. I can’t log out and I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s the same for me. I can’t log out and I don’t know what to do. Communication with the outside world is limited and we don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, we have to evacuate to a safe place. If you get damaged in this world, it’s very painful, if not deadly. That’s the price of hyper-realism.”
 He held out his hand. She grabbed his hand and stood up.
“I’m Kaori. And you are?”
“My name is Eiji. I was logged into the Space City World. It seems to be a patchwork of multiple worlds.”

 The hotel where she was staying had disappeared and was now a Jurassic jungle. She looked for a place to hide and found a cave in the cliff.
“Let’s stay here for now,” Eiji said.
“If other worlds are mixed in, then some of them might be in trouble, right?” Kaori asked.
“That’s true. There could be monsters from the fantasy world.”
“Isn’t that absurdly dangerous?”
“Yes, it is. We don’t have any weapons, and the people out there are probably trying to recover, so we’ll have to survive until then.”
“Well, does that mean I’ll have to eat and drink my body until then?”
“That’s right; eating and drinking in the VR world will only make you feel like you’ve eaten, but you haven’t actually eaten anything. The scary thing is dehydration.”
“How long will I last?”
“We’re in a tank, so we’re a little better off, but it’ll probably be a few days. If there’s someone around to take care of you, they might be able to give you an IV.”
“I live alone.”
“Me too. So no one else can know I’m logged in.”
“It’s hopeless.”
 She sighed loudly.

“You’re very calm for someone who is so desperate,” Kaori said.
“Yes, I am. I’m testing possible life-saving methods in the background,” said Age.
“What? What do you have in mind?”
“I have an autonomous robot in my room, and if I can communicate with it, I think I can put an IV in my body. But, as I said before, the communication with the outside world is unstable and I can’t establish it.”
“Where do you live?”
“Huh? Me too.”
“Well, that’s good news. I thought I’d have to go to Hokkaido. If I can activate my robot, I’ll come and rescue you.”

 Their survival in cyberspace has just begun.

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