Survival in Cyberspace (FBCNL Cyber Tank #2)

Survival in Cyberspace



「本来なら、HP(Health Points)がゼロになって、アバターは仮死状態になるけど、一定時間でリセットされる。だけど、現状はそのシステムは無効化されているように思う。ぼくたちの方からシステムコマンドを使えないからね。ワールド内のキャラクターと同じ扱いなんだよ。だから、たぶん死んだらそれっきり。リアルの肉体がどうなるかは不明だけど、臨死体験なんてしたくないよ」
「それは秘密。あなたはどうなの? その見た目通りの若者なの?」


「エアバイクだ! 動けばラッキーだぞ」
「くそったれ! 動けよ!」

「カオリ! 走れ!」
「このポンコツ! さっさと飛べ!」
「ちっ! タルボサウルスもか!」

「よし! 今度こそいける」

 Kaori, who had been dozing off, was awakened by the roar of a dinosaur in her stomach.
 The dinosaurs seemed to be right around the corner.
“Shh. It looks like a tyrannosaurus is attacking a hadrosaur. Their sense of smell is so good, I think they can smell us.I think we need to get away from here,” Eiji said.
 The realistic setting had been a disaster. Even in the virtual world, they had been given parameters for smell.

 Humans and dinosaurs have never lived in the same era, but Dinosaur World made it possible. Those who logged in were able to observe realistic dinosaurs and hunt dinosaurs. Regardless of what they actually did, the carnivorous dinosaurs were somewhat exaggeratedly ferocious. It was all part of the thrill ride.
 But out of control, the carnivorous dinosaurs became a great threat. Log-in users are now predators in the eyes of the carnivorous dinosaurs.

 They left the cave and headed for the coast. The jungle was good for hiding, but it was also a place where carnivorous dinosaurs roamed in search of prey.
“What happens if a dinosaur bites you?” Kaori asked.
“Normally, HP (Health Points) would drop to zero and the avatar would enter a state of suspended animation, but after a certain amount of time, it would reset. But it seems that the system is currently disabled. We can’t use the system commands from our side. They’re treated like characters in the world. So if you die, it’s probably over. I’m not sure what will happen to my real body, but I don’t want to have a near-death experience.”
 Kaori shivered in horror.
“I’ll have to find you some clothes to wear. That bathing suit is too unprotected. Since you can’t use commands, you’ll have to find clothes that you can change into just like in real life,” Eiji said.
“Thank you for your concern.”
“You look pretty sexy. Is that how it is in real life?”
“That’s a secret. What about you? Are you as young as you look?”
“Haha, no. I’m a middle-aged man. We both know that.”

 When they got to the beach, they saw futuristic buildings standing in the middle of the ocean and several spaceships crashing.
“We didn’t see anything like that, did we?” Kaori said.
“It’s true. The erosion seems to be progressing.”
 There was a lot of junk lying on the beach.
“Where are all the other people?” Kaori asked.
“That’s what I’m wondering too. I think there were quite a few people logged in, so they must have met other people. Maybe the worlds eroded into each other, forcing them to disconnect.”
“Does that mean that …… is dead?”
“If it was erased, then yes. Maybe we’re lucky to have survived.”

 Eiji found something forward that he could use.
“An air bike! We will be lucky if it works.”
 He started to run. Kaori slowly followed him.
 Straddling the air bike, he tried to start the engine. The engine coughed and roared low, but did not start.
“Damn it! Move it!”
 He kicks the bike away. The pitch of the engine’s drive noise increases, finally reaching a steady speed.
“All right, it’s working.”

 The dinosaur’s howl could be heard.
 Eiji turned around and saw a Tyrannosaurus running towards him.
 Kaori was walking.
“Kaori! Run!”
 Eiji shouted, pointing behind her. Kaori turned around and rushed out to run.
He approached Kaori, sliding the air bike backwards.
“Get on!” He said.
 She jumped onto the back of the bike.
“Hold on tight!”
“Yes!” She replied.
 He blew on the engine of the air bike, but the engine coughed again and there was no thrust.
“You piece of shit! Get the hell out of here!”
“Another one’s coming!” She shouted.
“Damn!  Tarbosaurus, too!”

 A tyrannosaurus and a tarbosaurus meet and threaten each other.
 It was a good thing for both of them.
 The air bike’s coughing stopped and its thrust increased.
“Yes! I can do it this time.”
 Eiji opened the throttle fully and increased the speed.
 The dinosaurs had begun to battle, disregarding their prey. It was more important to fight for territory.

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