Mermaid in the Cove (Ezaphos #9)

Mermaid in the Cove



 繁殖期になると、マーメイドは繁殖の島オプス・インスラ(Ops insula)に集まる。数家族が集まり、番う相手を探す。



「なに? なんなの?」

「くそっ! サラったら、オレをどこに飛ばしたんだ? 転送魔法の実験につきあうんじゃなかった」


「え? なんだって?」

「やば! サラったら、予告なしかよ」

 Ruber, one of the Mermaids, ponders in the calm waters of the cove.
 Mermaids live in groups of 10 to 15 people. They hunt and raise their young while migrating between islands in the warm Southern Ocean on ocean currents.
 They are rarely seen by the public. Partly because they avoid it, but also because most of the islands they stop on are uninhabited.

 It is a mistake to think of mermaids as a type of fish. Their biology is similar to that of dolphins, and it is not uncommon for them to share their activities with dolphins. Mermaids are able to communicate with dolphins. Like dolphins, they breathe through their lungs and hold their breath when they dive.
 They do not have letters, but they do have language. Although they are not aware of it, they have magic power and can use the spirit of their ears, so they can talk with the species on the ground.  Dolphins cannot do this because they do not have magical powers.

 During the breeding season, the mermaids gather on the breeding island (Ops insula). Several families gather there to look for mates.
 Ruber’s family was on their way to Ops Insula.
 Ruber, who is now of age, will also be carrying a child. For mermaids, who are few in number, procreation is important.

 A mermaid flock is a harem where one man is the patriarch and has several women as wives. As the child males grow up, they leave the herd and go off on their own. The young males either fight the patriarchs of other herds to take their herds, or they fight each other to form new herds with young females.
 The breeding season is also the season of battle for the men.

 Ruber had no doubts about the mermaid way of life. It’s a way of life that has lasted for dozens of generations, and it’s understandable since they don’t know any other world.
 They don’t think in terms of “individuals”, but mainly in terms of “herds”. Ruber was concerned about the kind of male that would be part of the pack.
“I hope he’s strong,” she thought.
 A strong male would unite the pack and make it less likely that another male would take her. A stable herd was necessary for the children she would eventually bear.

 Ruber feels an unpleasant tension that makes his skin tingle.
“What is this nasty feeling?”
 The air trembled and there was a popping sound.
 With a man’s voice, a person suddenly appeared in the air and fell to the sea surface.
“What? What is it?”
 She was so startled that she could not move.

 The man emerged from the water and stood up. The water was shallow.
 Ruber rolled her eyes. The man wasn’t a mermaid, he was standing on two legs.
“Damn it! Where the hell did Sara send me? I shouldn’t have gone along with your transporter magic experiments.”
 The man noticed her presence and he too rolled his eyes.
“Are you a …… mermaid?”
 Ruber couldn’t answer.

“Do you understand the language?” He said.
 Ruber nodded.
“Good. You can use the spirit of the ear. I’m Kite. I’m sorry to scare you. I didn’t mean to intrude into your territory. The wizard who flew me in was directionally challenged.”
“I see this is your first time meeting a human. I’ve never met a mermaid before either.”
 She looked at Kite.
“I’d like to leave right now, but I can’t leave without Sara calling me back. Give me a moment. Do you mind if I sit next to you?”
 Kaito sat down next to Ruber.

“What’s your name? Kaito asked.
“Ruber,” she answered.
“Ruber. I think it means red in Latin. Mermaid is a Latin word.”
 In this world, the language system was a mixture of Latin, Greek and English. It was Kaito’s theory that there was a connection to Earth somewhere.
 Ruber stared at Kaito.
“Are humans so rare?” He said.
 Ruber’s heart was beating fast in her chest.
“I like you.”
 She said involuntarily.
“Huh? What?”
 Kaito asked back.

 In the next moment, a magic circle appeared around Kaito. Sara is activating the recall transfer spell.
“Oh no! Sara, without warning?”
 As if caught up in Kaito, Ruber was also enveloped by the transfer magic.
 The two of them disappeared.

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