The key is a nostalgic melody. (FBCNL Cyber Tank #4)

The key is a nostalgic melody.

「それは君の肉体が尿意を感じてるんだ。タンクに入るときに排尿チューブは付けたよね? だったらそのまま出してしまえばいい」

「なんだ? これは?」エイジはいった。
「まぁね。昔の2次元映画は奥ゆかしくて好きなの。思い出した! これはジュークボックスだわ」
「レコードって、プラスチック板に溝を刻んだやつか? 前世紀の遺物じゃないか」


 曲名は“Fly Me To The Moon”

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars

見せて欲しい どんな春なのか



「カオリ? なにを?」




 Kaori and Eiji walked through the maze of corridors, and when they opened the door at the end, they found themselves in a future world.
“This is like the inside of a spaceship,” said Eiji.
“Hey, I hate to ask, but where is the restroom?” Kaori said with a troubled look.
“It’s your body’s way of telling you to urinate. When you entered the tank, you had a urine tube attached, right? Then you can just let it out.”
“I’m embarrassed. That’s why there are restrooms in the world, isn’t it?
“Yeah, but it’s just a formality.”
“Please, turn around.”
 He turned away.
 After a while, she said,
“Hey, Eiji.”
“Are you feeling better?” He turned to her.
“What’s that?”
 She pointed to the end of the corridor.

 It was something unlikely to be found on a spaceship.
“What? What’s this?” Eiji said.
“It looks like something I’ve seen in an old movie ……,” Kaori said, searching her memory.
“Are you into classic movies?”
“I am, yes. I like old two-dimensional movies because they have a certain depth to them. I remember now! It’s a juke box.”
“What’s a juke ……?”
“A machine that plays music. You spin a record.”
“What’s a record? A plastic sheet with grooves carved into it? It’s a relic from the last century.”
“Could this be an access point?”
“Possibly. How do you use this thing?”

“Maybe I need a coin,” Kaori said.
“Again, coins. It looks like there will be no change this time, like in a vending machine.”
“Well, maybe I can do it this way.”
 She stepped slightly away from the juke box and kicked it with her right foot as hard as she could.  After two or three more kicks, the coins came jingling out of the coin return slot.
“Oh, my God,” she laughed.
“I’m surprised. Is that an old movie?”
“I’ve heard that joke before. I’ve always wanted to try it.”
 Her face clouded as she smiled.
“Ugh, ……, I feel sick all of a sudden.”
 She squirmed on the spot.
“It’s not good. I think I’m starting to get dehydrated. It’s been about twenty hours,” Eiji said with concern.

“I’ve got the coins. But how do I access it?” Eiji pondered.
 He put the coin into the juke box and pressed the appropriate song selection button. A classic song started playing, but there was no other response.
“Maybe the song selection is the key,” Kaori said.
“I don’t know about the old songs.”
“I’ll watch. Give me your shoulder.”
 He helped her to her feet.
 She traced the buttons with the song titles on them with her finger. She stopped at a song.
“This is a spaceship, isn’t it? If you’re looking for a space-related song, this might be it.”
 The song is called “Fly Me To The Moon.”
 He threw in a coin and she pressed a button.

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars

“System call!” He said.
“Please present your account,” the computer replied.
“My name is EIJI 298755Z Alpha.”
“Acknowledged. Awaiting command.”
“I need access to the robot in my real room. The address is …….”
“Searching. Please wait a moment.”
 While I waited, the music continued to play.
“Two robots in sight. Which one is it?”
“The NEO86.”
“Yes, sir. How would you like to access them?”
“Half-synchronized, please.”
“We’ll connect in five seconds. Please be ready.”
“Kaori, I’m going to put half of my consciousness into the robot. Wait for me.”
“Okay. I’ll wait.”
 His body became weak, as if he were asleep.

 When Eiji opened his eyes, he saw his room through the robot’s camera. There was his body in the cyber tank, and it was showing as being connected.
“I’m connected to the robot. Kaori, give me the address of your room.”
His avatar could not move his body, but he could move his mouth.
“My address is ……,” she said.
“I’m on my way to you now, I should be there in about half an hour.”
 He moved the robot, grabbed the IV kit, and ran outside at full speed through the night streets.

 It took me 25 minutes to get to the apartment where she lived.
 To get in, I had to get through security.
“Retinal scan. I shouldn’t be doing this, but ……. Kaori, put your eyes close to mine.”
“Like this?”
“Come closer.”
 Like you’re about to kiss me.
“Okay. I’ve got a scan.”
 She pressed her lips to his.
“Kaori? What?”
“Ahem. A thank-you advance.”
“I wish that kind of thing was done to real bodies.”
 He let her scanned retina appear in the robot’s eyes and entered the apartment.

 In front of her room, room 1301.
 The door is triple-locked with facial recognition, fingerprints, and an electronic lock. Very common security these days. Although it is a robust security, digital information is not difficult to disguise if you have the right technique. In fact, the classic physical key is more time-consuming.
“Kaori, I’m sorry. I’m going to have to break the door security in your room.”
“That’s okay. I’ll send you a bill for the repairs later.”
“Oh, no, please don’t do that.”
 If he turned off the security, the alarm would go off and the security company would come running.  That would be expedient in alerting them to her condition.
 He disconnected the door security and entered the room.

 He, the robot, entered the room and looked for the cybertank.
 He found it.
 The tank had several red alarm lights on, warning him of physical danger. Normally, the alarms would have reached the world administrator, but since the system was not functioning properly, no one had been informed.
 When he saw her in the tank, he was surprised.
“You’re …….”
“I know what you mean. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
 The real her was an very old woman.
“Can I ask how old you are?” He said.
“I’m 89. Almost 90th birthday.”
“I see, that’s why the dehydration came on so fast. I’ll take care of it right away.”

 He wrapped the IV band around her arm and set it in position. The needle was automatically inserted into her vein and she was given an IV.
“I think this will make things a little easier.”
 There was a noise in the robot’s vision and the connection was abruptly cut.
 Age returned to his avatar.
“Damn, the link is broken!”
“The juke box seems to have lost power,” she said.
 The lights on the juke box went out and there was silence.
“Well, at least we saved you.”
“Thank you, Eiji”.
 She hugged him.

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