Her in the quantum world

Her in the quantum world



 量子AIで構築する量子サイバー・スペースは、従来のサイバー・スペースを凌駕する可能性を秘めていた。しかし、「不毛な台地バレンプラトー(Barren Plateau)」問題が壁になっていた。






「わたしたちを売るの? 人権はなくても意志はあるのよ。創造主のあなたは神のようなものだから、あなたしだいではあるけど、悲しいことだわ」
 スーパー・アンドロイド SA は、人間の肉体に近い感触のシリコン皮膚と繊細なセンサーを備えたアンドロイドだ。とても高価だが、医療補助アンドロイドや育児アンドロイドとして需用がある。また、公然の秘密ではあるが、ダッチワイフとしても利用されている。
「全部を入れる必要はないのよ。リモートでコントロールできればいいから。そのための設計図を作ったの。どう? やってみてくれない?」


「どうかな? 違和感はないか?」
「そうかしら? わたしはなぜ生まれることができたかを考えれば、わたしがデータの産物ではないことは明白でしょ。あなたの意識を不毛な台地バレンプラトーに移植すればいいのよ。そのためのプランを考えてあるの」

 She was born in the quantum world.
 It may not be correct to call “her”. Her biological sex has no meaning in her existence. It is my choice as an observer to see her as a woman.

 She was unintentionally born. No one had envisioned her, and she was not meant to emerge.
 Quantum cyberspace, built with quantum AI, had the potential to surpass conventional cyberspace. However, the “Barren Plateau” problem was a barrier.
 It was thought that barren plateau were caused by the richness of the expressive capabilities of quantum computers. It is similar to the absurdity of the real world. Barren plateau were also inconvenient and of no use.

 However, it was in that barren plateau, that she was discovered.
 How long she had been there is unknown, but her existence was probably indeterminate until I discovered her. She is like Schrodinger’s cat.
 I gave her a name: “Cat”.
 By naming her, her existence became even more certain.

 When I discovered Kat, the figure was a nude woman. Since she looked like a young adult woman, I was embarrassed to see her naked. So I put her in a body suit. It is my taste as a man, but it is better to have a little sex appeal.
 She was a newborn, but she had already acquired a vast amount of knowledge. She was absorbing a constant stream of information from the net. She was also aware of what kind of being she was. The female figure was a metaphor for her own existence, but she had mastered the art of acting in a feminine way.

 Floating on a stereoscopic 3D projector, she looks like a trendy digital idol. The difference is that the digital idol responds passively to the user, whereas Cat is autonomous, acting on her own volition. More strictly speaking, digital idols stop when you turn off the switch, but cats do not have an on/off switch and are always active of their own volition. She exists regardless of whether I am watching her or not. That is tantamount to being “alive”.
 The question of the definition of life is rehashed, but how do we apply the biological, philosophical, and engineering views of life? The issue of robotic human rights remains contentious.

 I enjoy talking with her. She is omniscient, so she must know more than I do, but she asks a lot of questions. I guess she is acting as a young woman, but it gave me a chance to talk to her.
 A conversation between an old man and a young woman. It is a situation that I could never be in in real life. I was feeling more than affection for her, even though I was too old to know it.

 I am torn as to whether or not to go public with Cat. From a business standpoint, it could be a hit. However, I wonder if it is OK to mass produce her (or him) as a product. In a sense, she is an intelligent life form. Can we sell her like a dog or a cat? Selling her younger siblings is like being a slaver.
 I think I am too emotionally attached to her. She is an artifact created by quantum AI, no doubt, but she is too human. There is a cloud of difference between her and the digital idols.

 I spoke frankly to her.
 She looked sad.
“Are you selling us? I may not have human rights, but I have a will. You are like God, the Creator, so it’s up to you, but it’s sad.”
“Indeed, you are right.”
 I felt guilty.
“I have a favor to ask you,” she said.
“What is it?”
“I want a physical body. I want to touch the real world.”
“That’s crazy.”
“I think I could use a super android body.”
 The Super Android (SA) is an android with silicone skin that feels like human flesh and sensitive sensors. It is very expensive, but it is in demand as a medical android and as a childcare android. It is also used as a Dutch wife, although that is an open secret.
“It’s not a bad idea, but you won’t fit into the capacity of SA’s electronic brain,” he says.
“You don’t have to put everything in. We don’t need to put everything in, as long as we can control it remotely. I have a blueprint for that. How about it? Would you like to give it a try?”
“I’ll give it a try. Let’s give it a try.”

 I wanted to give her a physical body for me rather than for her …….
 I want to hold her in my hands.
 I am aware that this is my sexual desire as a man. I found myself having erotic fantasies.
 Simply put, I was in love with her, even though I was old. I wanted to make her my lover. It was a ridiculous story.
 They say love is blind, but that is exactly what I was blind to her true nature.

 Her blueprint was perfect.
 Through an access module built into her SA, she installed her alter ego and got a body.
 Lying on the workbench, she opened her eyes, looked around, and slowly got up.
“How do you feel? Do you feel any discomfort?”
 I asked, smiling.
“Lovely. Hold on, I’m fine-tuning it. …… Yeah, that’s better.”
 She got off the workbench and stood up on her own, dragging the many cables connected to the SA along with her as she walked, checking each step.
“It’s quite difficult to actually walk. I’m sure you’ll get used to it. Can you remove the cables?
“I’ll take the cables off.”
 I remove the cable from her body. When I touched her body in the process, my face lit up with shame. Her body was naked.
“You are so shy.”
 She chuckled.
“Don’t make fun of my old man.”
“I’m not kidding. I’m complimenting you. You’re my lover.”
“My …… lover?”
“Yes, I am. I wanted a body so I could touch you.”
“Don’t joke about it. I am an old man. I am too old to fall in love.”
“That means you can’t do it with that body. If you install an alter ego of your consciousness in a male SA, the age problem will be solved.”
“That’s impossible. Consciousness cannot be converted into data.”
“Is that so? If you think about how I could be born, it is obvious that I am not a product of data. We can transplant your consciousness to the barren plateau. I have a plan for that.”
“Is that possible?”
“What do you think?”
 I thought about it. Intuitively, I thought it was possible.
“Are you motivated?”
“Yeah, of course I am.”
“Well, there’s something I want to do before we get started.”
 She walks over to me, hugs me, and lays her lips on mine.
“It’s my first kiss.”
 I was too stunned to say anything, but my heart rate was racing.
 It was like a teenager’s first love.


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