The galaxy whispers to me

The galaxy whispers to me












 The dark matter of the galaxy whispers to my soulless ego.
We have come to explore the central region of our galaxy, some 25,000 light years from our solar system.
 In this area, the stars are close together and the density of dark matter is high. The black hole at the center of the galaxy is also nearby, and the ripples of gravity make my silicon skin tingle.

 I am PQ-10, chief android of the “Arrow of Light” exploration ship. I am in command of my crew of twelve sisters.
 The fact that we are feminine is merely a taste of our maker. Androids do not need gender. We behave in a feminine manner because we have a female input as an attached personality, but that is just a specification.

 There are five human crew members on board the “Arrow of Light”.
 The humans sleep in artificial hibernation until they reach their destination. Staying awake is a waste of oxygen and food. Navigation and exploration will be done by us androids.

 Spaceships travel at warp, but there is a limit to the distance they can travel in a single jump. We had to make 166 jumps to reach the central region of the galaxy. While exploring unexplored star systems and creating space maps, we will procure fuel and other resources from stars and planets.

 Among the hundreds of stellar systems we have explored so far, we have found three signs of civilization of intelligent species. They are still at an early civilization level, but there is a possibility of contact in the future. I’ve placed a monitoring satellite there, so we’ll have to keep an eye on them.

 In a stellar system with planets the size of the Earth in the habitable zone, there is more than a 90% chance that some form of life exists. In fact, it is rare to find an environment where there is no life at all.
 Living things are commonplace, but the probability of intelligent life is low. In order to evolve to the point of intelligence, a stable environment must last for a long time. There are few planets that meet this requirement.

 Soon we will reach Secret Zero, a star near the galactic center black hole.
 We spent over three years trying to reach this planet, because we thought that subspace signals were being transmitted from here.
 It was presumed to be a message from a super civilization.

“To whoever receives this message.
Come to us,
and we will bless you.”

 The archaic wording is a taste of the decipherer, an unnecessary embellishment.
 Maybe the super-civilization is inviting, maybe it’s testing, or maybe it’s just messing around. Either way, we won’t know the answer until we get there.

 I’m more concerned about the whispers of dark matter. There seems to be a regularity to it.It’s interfering with my artificial brain.

 It’s time to wake up the humans.
 The humans are the ones who are looking for answers.

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