Vintage servers in the desert (FBCNL Cyber Tank #7)

Vintage servers in the desert




「それだ! なにかキーワードで開くのかもしれない」


  • 覆水盆に返らず
  • すべての道はローマに通ず
  • 悪党の如く生き、英雄の如く死ぬべし
  • 念には念を入れよ
  • 忍耐は運命を左右する
  • 食べるために生きるな、生きるために食べよ
  • 太陽は万人を平等に照らす
  • 行動は言葉よりも雄弁


「そうか、主語だ! 肝心なことを見落としていた」

program vrworld
print *, “VR, world.”
end program vrworld

《Do you want to exit the VR program? YES / NO》

  Eiji and Kaori walked with heavy steps through the strong sun and heat of the desert.
 They followed the map to the exit, and ended up in the desert.
“How can there be an exit in this place?” He was skeptical.
“It’s hot, it’s hard to walk, I need a shower,” she complained.
“If this were a real desert, I’d be dried out by now. You don’t get thirsty because your body is being replenished by an intravenous drip.”
“I know, but this heat is unbearable. I want to take off my clothes.”
“If you take your clothes off, the UV rays will burn you. It’s simulated. You should be thankful that your sweat isn’t real.”
“I need some shade at least.”
“Try to keep up. We’ve lost our way so many times to get here, we only have an hour left.”
 They continued walking toward the point indicated on the map.

 Because cyberspace is so real, it also makes you feel half as tired.
 Eiji and Kaori were breathing so hard that they felt they couldn’t walk anymore, and the fatigue in their legs and feet had reached its peak.
“Eiji, ……, I can’t walk anymore.”
 Kaori sat down.
“I can’t walk either. But you have to walk. If you don’t, you’ll lose your chance to get out of here. Stand up, Kaori.”
 He said to himself to inspire himself.
 Then she summoned her strength and stood up.

 Visibility was poor due to the strong wind blowing and the dust rising in the air. The mountains in the distance were hazy, and the landscape was tinged with a yellowish haze that threw off my sense of perspective.
“Hey, I think my eyes are going crazy. I see something strange.”
 She pointed ahead.
“What do you see?”
 He looked in the direction she was pointing: a black object hiding in the dust. I can’t tell what it is even if I strain my eyes.
“I can see it, too. It doesn’t look like a hallucination.”
 The two of us staggered toward the mysterious object.

 When he reached his target, Agee could not hide his surprise.
“Why is this thing here?”
“What is this?” She asked.
“It’s a very old computer. It’s vintage.”
The vintage computer was slightly buried in the sand.
“This is the key to the exit?” He said.
“Is it working?”
“It seems to be. But I have no idea how to open the exit.”
 He made a pose of helplessness.
“It has a keyboard, but no display,” she said.
“Oh, that’s because this is a computer from the 1960s. They didn’t have displays back then, they used electronic typewriters to output.”
“Can you use it?”
“The machine language is probably early FORTRAN, so I’m not too sure, I just know the history. And if it’s as good as it looks, it’s a hell of a lot slower.”
 And if it’s as good as it looks, it’s a hell of a lot slower.
“It’s not like ‘Open Sesame’,” she sighed.
“That’s it! Maybe there’s a key word that opens it.”
 He clapped his hands.

 They typed as many proverbs and sayings as they could think of into the keyboard.

  • It is no use crying over spilt milk.
  • All roads lead to Rome.
  • Live as a villain, die as a hero.
  • You cannot be too careful.
  • Patience is the key to destiny.
  • Eat to live; do not live to eat.
  • The sun shines upon all alike.
  • Actions speak louder than words.

 But none of them responded.
“If we keep doing this, we’ll run out of time before we get a hit,” he sighed.
“That’s true. I don’t think anyone would be able to solve such a difficult problem. Maybe it’s simpler,” she said.
“Simple or simply what do you want to type?
 He closes his eyes and thinks.

“What did you use computers for back then?” She asked.
“Mainly for mathematical calculations. It was a time when you couldn’t write or draw anything. The original purpose of computer development was to calculate ballistics. No one had imagined the Internet.”
“How hard is FORTRAN?”
 It’s the original scientific machine language. The basic grammar is still the same. The programming language is based on English grammar. In Japanese, you can make sense without a subject, but in English, you have to make the subject clear. It’s the same with programs, what is the subject and what is the subordinate, singular or plural, and cause-and-effect relationships must be clear for the program to work.”
“What Japanese people are confused about in English is what to use as the subject. We don’t usually think about it in Japanese.”
“Right, the subject! I overlooked the most important thing.”
 He wrote simple commands in FORTRAN

program vrworld
print *, “VR, world.”
end program vrworld

“How about this?”
 He hit the enter key.
 The electronic typewriter began to print.
《Do you want to exit the VR program? YES / NO》
“Okay, here it comes!”
 He typed.
 The desert wind suddenly stopped.
 Then an antique door appeared in front of them.
“Is this the way out?” She said.
“Apparently so. Either way, we’re out of time. Let’s open the door.”
 He put his hand on the doorknob.
“Kaori, with me.”
 We both grabbed the doorknob, opened the door and walked in.

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