Beyond the Starbow

Beyond the Starbow









 In front of the spaceship flying at sublight speed, a brilliant ring of star bows is drawn.
 The Spes, an interstellar spaceship equipped with mankind’s first antimatter engine. Its name is a combination of the Latin word “Hope” and the English word “Space”.
 It is on a 4.243 light-year journey to Proxima Centauri, the closest star to Earth.

 It accelerates at 1G for up to half of the journey, and decelerates at 1G for the other half, with the stern pointing toward the destination. The maximum speed reaches 0.9495939362026676C (about 0.95 times the speed of light).
 The required subjective time for the crew will be about 3 years and 198 days, and the required objective time from Earth will be about 5 years and 318 days to reach Proxima Centauri.
 The Spes is about 400 meters long, the largest spaceship ever built by mankind, and 97% of its weight is fuel. The crew consists of 20 people, half men and half women, and 10 couples.
 It is both an exploration ship and a migrant ship. The planet Proxima Centauri b is about 1.3 times the size of Earth and exists in the habitable zone. Proxima Centauri b has been named Aurora.

 The crew knew they had a one-way ticket aboard, and while it was uncertain whether Aurora was a viable planet, observations indicated that oxygen and water were likely present. They were ahead of the human race in the challenge of interstellar space.
 A plan to return home is in the works. The plan is to build and fly a larger spacecraft that can carry the fuel for the return trip, but it will take a lot of time and money.
 Either way, the crew of the Spes will have to find a way to live on Aurora.

 Ten young couples would consider having a child if it were possible to live on Aurora. Since it will be a long space voyage, both men and women are on birth control. If they wish to have a baby, the contraceptive will be removed. That decision will depend on what kind of planet Aurora is.
 The Spes is a one-shot deal with no tests.

 In the early days of space exploration, we first flew unmanned vehicles to the moon, and then conducted many tests before realizing a manned flight.The same was true for Mars. The same was true for Mars, because it was a close satellite and planet.
 However, Proxima Centauri is an order of magnitude farther away, even though it is the nearest star. It would take 4.243 years for light to travel to Proxima Centauri, which means a round trip of 8.486 years for communication. This is not a level that can be tested by unmanned aircraft.

 There was much criticism that the plan was reckless, but in the end it was given the go-ahead. There was no doubt that it was a historic feat. Even if it failed, it would go down in history.
 When they advertised for crew members, they were inundated with applicants. Not only humans, but also animals such as dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, and pigeons, as well as seeds and seedlings of plants such as rice, wheat, potatoes, and fruits were carried.
 In a sense, it was a modern-day Noah’s Ark.

 For the voyage, the crew was divided into two groups of five, with one group spending half of the journey awake to manage the ship, and the other half taking turns to go into cold sleep. All the animals were put to sleep in cold sleep.

 As they entered the Proxima Centauri system and entered the final phase of deceleration, the crew all woke up and awaited their arrival.
 Unlike the familiar sun, the red dwarf was small and unreliable. However, as Aurora approached within sighting distance, it began to make its presence felt, partly due to its proximity.
 Aurora is a Latin word that means “The Dawn”.
 This is a new place for them, the beginning of the dawn. 

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