Ruins of an alien world

Ruins of an alien world













 Alien artifacts have been discovered on the second planet of Gliese 832, located 16.1 light years from our solar system.
 Gliese 832 is an M-type red dwarf star. Its second planet, tentatively called Gigas, is a super-Earth about five times the size of Earth.
 As a nearby star system to our solar system, Gliese 832 is inconspicuous. I didn’t expect to find a artifact here.

 This star system was classified as a low priority for exploration. The presence of a super-Earth in the habitable zone meant that the possibility of life was high, but red dwarfs were so common that they didn’t get much attention.
 So, when I was selected for this mission, I was not very enthusiastic about it.

 There was a problem with the exploration of Gigas. It is five times the mass of the Earth, which means it has a gravity of 5G. When you land on a planet, you are subjected to five times the gravity. I weigh 50 kg, but now I weigh 250 kg, and I can’t support myself, I’ll break my legs!
 Also, the landing craft needs a lot of thrust to take off and escape the gravitational field.
 The solution to this problem was to make the gravity control more compact.

 The warp spaceship used gravity control technology. As the warp speed increases, the mass increases, which needs to be offset. However, conventional gravity control devices were too large to be used in small landing craft or space suits.
 However, we have succeeded in making them compact enough to fit in the palm of your hand. I’d like to say that this is the result of technological innovation, but it’s actually thanks to Rosemary of the Andromeda AI. With the super-technology she passed on to us, the Earth has made tremendous progress.
 So, even in Gigas, where the gravity is 5G, we can now land and go out in space suits.

 We started observing Gigas from orbit, and we knew early on that there was something that looked like an artifact. Ten years ago, I would not have been able to get down there for the aforementioned reasons.
 Moreover, the artifact was emitting heat that seemed to be operating. Could there be aliens on a planet with such high gravity? But if we could control gravity, there would be no problem.
 There was no response to our calls, either by radio or subspace communication. It is unclear if they are ignoring us or if it is a completely different means of communication.

 There are pros and cons to using drones for research. While it is less risky for us, drones can be perceived as a hostile act. Space-hoppers are a good example.
 Observations from orbit showed that there were artifacts but no inhabitants. We decided to descend to the planet.

 We landed near an artifact, and three of us, including myself, went outside. With the ultra-small gravity field generator built into our backpacks, we could not feel the 5G gravity.
 The main atmospheric composition was about 60% nitrogen, 15% oxygen, and 5% methane. A sulfur component has also been detected, so it is probably quite smelly. A strange plant-like creature was swaying in the wind.

 The external microphone was picking up a low rumbling sound. The sound seemed to be coming from an artifact.
 We approached the building cautiously, as it might have been trapped or secured.
 The building looked like a factory of some kind. Judging from the amount of heat it was emitting, it was consuming a lot of energy. If it was an automated factory, it could be unmanned. Super Earth is not only a huge planet, but it is also rich in mineral resources.

 We were expecting some kind of security, but we were able to approach the building unhindered.
“Something smells fishy here,” said the captain.
“Like a mousetrap?” I said jokingly.
“Maybe that’s the right answer,” the chief scientist said.
 As we approached a building with what appeared to be an entrance, a light came on. The sensors were working to detect our approach.
“Are you saying we should come in?” said the captain.
 We entered with trepidation.

 What we found in the building was something we were familiar with. Strictly speaking, it’s something very similar.
 It was a “Space-hopper”.
 It was probably the prototype, a minor variation of the mining robot. There were no armed Soldier-hoppers in sight.
 The aliens who built this factory may be gone, but the robots are still in operation and continue to mine the Gigas.

 We have discovered the roots of the Space-hopper. The Space-hoppers that are raiding the planet are an evolved form. By comparing and studying them, we may be able to find an effective way to eliminate them.

 Another piece of good news was that the Miners, who continued to mine the Gigas, were stockpiling vast amounts of mineral resources. It’s a treasure trove. There was enough to sustain humanity for several hundred years.
 We had won the lottery.

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