Platoon of Robots (Robot Wars #1)

Platoon of Robots






「敵ミサイル検知! 5発、17時方向、距離7」R2が報告した。







 The 5110th Robot Platoon descended to the desert planet “Paradises”.
 The platoon’s call sign is “Black Crotalid”. Our mission is to destroy the “Space Hoppers” that are ravaging the planet.

 Although they are named hoppers, space hoppers are not insects. They are not even organic organisms. They are self-disciplined automata.
 They reproduce themselves, multiply, and devour mineral resources. They are sometimes called “machine life” because their behavior alone resembles that of living things. Even if it is life, it is a pest.
 There are many theories about the origin of space hoppers, but the theory of artificial production is more popular than the theory of natural evolution. The artificiality here refers to aliens. They are thought to have been created by some alien civilization and released into space when they became uncontrollable.

 Space hoppers’ favorite food is rare metals and rare earths. This is because they are indispensable resources for self-replication.
 Paradisus was named “paradise” even though it was a desert planet, because it was rich in mineral resources. The environment was too harsh for colonization, but its value as a resource planet was high. The entire planet is like a mine.

 Space hoppers live in groups. Each individual is only a few centimeters to a few meters long, but the entire swarm is said to number in the hundreds of millions to trillions. Like the ecology of ants, each individual has its own role, and there are several bosses who control the swarm.
 The system is so good that even if errors or losses occur, the overall impact is minimal.
 That’s why it’s so tricky. It is nearly impossible to destroy a herd.

 Fortunately for us, space hoppers do not travel at warp. They travel between stars at sublight speed. It will take them decades to centuries to reach the next stellar system. If we can’t wipe them out here, but we can reduce their numbers dramatically, we may be able to stop them from migrating to the next star. The reason for the huge number of swarms is that they use individuals as part of their energy source during interstellar travel. If their numbers are reduced, they will not be able to migrate.

“This is Black Crotalid. We have reached the target location. Commencing reconnaissance.”
“Black Crotalid, this is the mothership Lancelot. Supply drop scheduled in five hours. Expect a good fight.”
 The platoon is alerted to the surroundings and searches for the enemy. They don’t just devour minerals, they also attack anyone who engages in hostile behavior. There are soldier hoppers, the equivalent of soldier ants.
 The sensors sounded the alarm.
“Enemy missile detected! Five missiles, 17 o’clock, range 7,” R2 reported.
 We bend down and prepare for impact. R3, acting as the rear guard, intercepted and shot down four of the missiles, but one of them landed at R1’s feet.
“This is R1, minor damage, M1, give him some payback.”
“M1, copy. Firing retaliatory rounds.”
 M1 fired a missile. Our missiles are better than theirs. They can outrun the enemy’s interceptors.
“Missile hit. Confirmed destroyed.”
“R2, there must be an enemy reconnaissance drone. Find them.”
 R1 gave the order.
“R2, copy.”

 We’ve spent the last three hours crushing an enemy army. It was probably only a scratch on them. The only high-ranking enemy we encountered was the Knight class. If I didn’t at least destroy the Rook class, I wouldn’t be able to do much damage.
 The space hoppers were structured in a hierarchical manner, and the roles of the individuals were compared to chess pieces. From the top, King > Queen > Rook > Bishop > Knight > Pawn. Below the pawn is the Miner, and the Miner has no attack ability.

 We were running low on ammo and energy. The enemy numbers were high.
“Lancelot, this is Black Crotalid. Requesting supply drop.”
“This is Lancelot. We’re on the far side of the planet.”
 Eradication forces are deployed all over the planet, and there are ten mother ships orbiting at an altitude of 500 km. Each unit will have supplies dropped to the mothership to which they belong.

“Black Crotalid, this is Lancelot. Sorry to keep you waiting, but we’re dropping supplies.”
“Black Crotalid, copy. Thank you.”
 A few moments later, they picked up a signal from the supply lander.
“Altitude 300, descending steadily,” R2 reported.
“I have a large missile in the air at ten o’clock, range 352!” R3 announced.
“M1, can you intercept?” R1 said.
“Negative. Long-range missile is out of ammunition.
“What’s the target?”
“SL, I’m guessing. 60 seconds to impact,” said R2.
“Lancelot, can you intercept it?”
“No, they’re too far away to intercept.”
 60 seconds later, the SL exploded as it descended to a visible altitude.

“R3, have you identified the launch point (LP)?”
 Coordinates have been relayed to R1.
“We’re going to destroy the LP. Lancelot, request supply drops from the other mother ships.”
“Black Clotalid, copy. Percival will be overhead in 40 minutes.”
 We’re rushing to the LP. They know we know where they are, so they’ll move. We’ll have to hurry if we want to catch up with them.

 As the SL were dropped from Percival, the enemy fired interceptor missiles again. However, we were close enough that we were able to shoot them down with our M1 short-range missiles.
 We received our supplies and set off in pursuit.
 It is the Rook class that can fire large missiles. The target was big.

 We are the Black Crotalids, the 5110th Robot Platoon. As long as we are supplied, we can fight without rest.
 Humans can stay on the mothership and drink coffee.

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