The Taste of Despair

The Taste of Despair


 植民星スワン5は、太陽系から11.4光年の「はくちょう座16番星B(16 Cygni B)」の第5惑星だ。16 Cygniは、16 Cygni Aと16 Cygni Bの2つのG型主系列星と、M型の16 Cygni Cが遠く離れた軌道を回っていた。形式上、3重連星ではあるが、16 Cygni Cは赤色矮星であり、恒星になりきれなかった巨大惑星といった方がいい。

 二重太陽では、惑星の軌道が不安定になりがちだが、A星とB星は749AU(約104光時)も離れており、16 Cygniは比較的安定していた。惑星の離心率が大きくなるため、B星に近づく夏と遠ざかる冬との気候差が著しくなる。だが、その違いが惑星環境の劇的な変化を生み、夏の惑星と冬の惑星というドラマチックさになっていた。この環境下で進化した生物は、逞しい生命力を備えている。









The first time I tasted despair, it tasted like titanium dioxide.
They came suddenly, without warning, and attacked us without announcement.
We had been invaded by aliens.

The colonial star Swan 5 is the fifth planet in the constellation Cygnus 16 B (16 Cygni B), 11.4 light-years from our solar system. 16 Cygni consists of two G-type main-sequence stars, 16 Cygni A and 16 Cygni B, and an M-type star, 16 Cygni C, orbiting each other in distant orbits. Although it is formally a triple binary, 16 Cygni C is a red dwarf and is more like a giant planet that has failed to become a star.

Swan 5, a substantial double sun, was a popular colony star.
In a dual sun, the orbits of the planets tend to be unstable, but stars A and B are 749 AU (about 104 light hours) apart, and 16 Cygni was relatively stable. Due to the large eccentricity of the planet, there is a significant difference in climate between summer, when the planet is closer to star B, and winter, when it is further away. However, this difference created dramatic changes in the planetary environment, making it a dramatic summer planet and a dramatic winter planet. The organisms that have evolved in this environment have a robust life force.

Swan 5 was first settled 50 years ago. The second and third generations born on Swan 5 now make up more than half of the population.
I am the third generation.

We call Swan 5 “Odette”. The name comes from the swan that appears in the classical ballet “Swan Lake”. The prince, Siegfried, is compared to star B, the demon, Rottwald, to star A, and the daughter, Odile, to star C.

It was assumed that first contact with aliens would occur at some point. However, it was not expected that it would suddenly lead to war. The history of human beings has been a history of wars, but by the time we entered the interstellar space age, we had become aware of the people of Earth, and our belligerent ideology had died out.

The Space Force was stationed on Odette as well. The purpose was not to prepare for aliens, but to maintain the security of the immigrant planet, and it was not large enough to fight foreign enemies.
I was a cadet in the Odette Space Force, but when the battle began, I was called up as an emergency fire control officer for a fighter plane.

The fighter I was flying was shot down and crash-landed without being able to bring down a single enemy plane. Rather than their war potential, their scientific and technological capabilities were too different. The aliens were far superior to us. We had no choice but to watch in amazement as we were overrun by enemy planes.

The purpose of the aliens was unknown. They hadn’t sent out any message. Is it occupation or looting, or do they have another purpose?
The battle has been going on for three days.
It was only a matter of time before Odette would fall.

An SOS had been sent out to Earth, but it would take several days at maximum warp for reinforcements to arrive. By that time, Odette would be overrun. Even if the reinforcements did arrive, they would not be able to compete with the aliens.

There was nothing but despair.

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