Logos of the Intellectualized Dog (Solar System Age #2)

Logos of the Intellectualized Dog






「あなたがロゴスなの? 初めまして、シンシアよ」

「それを聞いてどうする? 君は科学技官じゃないだろ?」
「救出? 誰がそんな依頼を?」
「それは契約上の秘密。どうなの? 脱出する気はあるの?」
「出たいとは思う。だが、わたしをどこに連れて行く気だ? 売りものか?」


 彼女は口に人差し指を当てた。どうやら、彼女は脳内に意識面回線アウェアー・フェイス・ライン(Aware Face Line)を装備していて、誰かと通信しているようだ。

「彼に悩みを打ち明けたでしょ? 彼もあなたのことを気にかけていたのね。あなたを自由にしてあげたいって。彼は全財産を報酬として出していたけど、たいした金額じゃないから、普通は受ける人はいないわね」


 I am a husky dog who grew up watching the earth from a young age.
 Huskies are almost extinct, and I’m probably the last of my kind. That’s why I’ve never met any of them.
 This record is not someone’s anthropomorphic representation of a dog. I’m recording it as my own words.
 I am the first successful intelligent dog. My name is “Logos”.
 Let me tell you a story about my past.

 There is an old Disney movie in which the animals speak a language. That was anthropomorphic fiction, but nowadays, intelligent animals can understand and speak human language.
 The intelligent animals are dogs, monkeys, cats, and dolphins.
 Dolphins are exceptional because their brains are larger than humans, but the other three species have smaller brains. As it is, it is difficult for them to become highly intelligent.
 In order to compensate for this handicap, an “Auxiliary Brain” was introduced. In layman’s terms, it is an AI built into the body that works together with the original brain to perform advanced intellectual processing.
 The auxiliary brain is about the size of a tennis ball, and is housed in my lungs. Although it is small, it is a normal-temperature bio quantum computer, and quantum computers have a good affinity with the brain. Moreover, like the brain, it uses glucose as its energy source, so it never runs out of battery power like a classical computer.

 The lab in Earth’s orbit is my home. I was given an intelligence treatment when I was two years old, when my body was big enough. It was a so-called animal experiment. There had been dogs experimented on before that, but they were not successful.
 The reason why dogs were used was that chimpanzees have a certain level of intelligence, but even though dogs are said to be smart, they are not nearly as smart as humans. It was hard to see the results of intelligence in chimpanzees.
 If dogs could understand language and speak, it would be obvious. However, the vocal cords and mouth structure of a dog are not suitable for speech. Therefore, we created artificial vocal cords that can produce complex vocalizations, so that the dog can speak.
 It took a lot of training to be able to actually speak, but I did it.
 That was eight years ago.

 Since the success of my intellectualization, many fortunate dogs and cats have undergone intellectualization procedures. However, the level of intelligence remains at the level of a three- to five-year-old human child. This is because the pervasive auxiliary brain does not have such a high level of intellectual processing. There’s also the human ego. We want to communicate with them, but they are more adorable as infants.
 But I am different. Partly because I was a prototype, I have the same intelligence as a human adult. I can discuss science with a human scientist, and I understand the theory of relativity. My auxiliary brain is of high spec.

 Human beings have a period of rebellion during adolescence. As I gained intelligence, I also developed a rebellious phase.
 I had never been out of the lab before. I longed to go to the Earth that I could see from my window.
 I tried to express my wish to the director of the lab, but he rejected my request. Even if a dog gains intelligence, it is still a dog and a pet. Dogs have no freedom, rights, or human rights.
 I felt frustrated and unreasonable about my situation.
 Like any rebellious boy, I wanted to rebel and escape from my current situation. However, there was nothing to be gained by overtly rebelling. So I played the obedient dog and waited for a chance to come. I didn’t have a concrete plan of what that chance would be.

 The opportunity came suddenly and unexpectedly.
 A new female science technician was sent to assist my science technician.
“You’re Logos? Nice to meet you, I’m Cynthia.”
“Nice to meet you, Cynthia.”
 Upon meeting her for the first time, I smelled something strange about her. There was something fishy about this person.
 My wild intuition was right.

 At one point, when it was just me and Cynthia, she asked me.
“Logos, just to be sure, you want to get out of here, don’t you?”
“What do you mean by that? You’re not a science technician, are you?”
“The answer to the first question is that I was asked to rescue you, and the answer to the second question is yes.”
“Rescue? Who asked you to do that?”
“That’s a contractual secret. What about it? Do you want to escape?”
“I’d like to get out. But where are you taking me? Is it for sale?”
“It’s not for sale. I guarantee it.”
“You want me to take your word for it?”
“That’s what I mean. What are you going to do?”
“I want out. I want to be free of this place.”
“Well, it’s settled. We’ll do it tonight.”

 There is no day or night in a lab floating in space, but the days and nights are set on a clock according to human cycles.
 Late at night, Cynthia arrived with a large package on her cart.
“Put this on. This is a space suit for Logos. I hope it fits you.”
“I’ve never worn a space suit before.”
“I’ll help you.”
 I let her put it on me.
“Yes, it fits.It’s exactly the size the client said it would be.”
“Where did you get that information?”
“No questions asked.”
 She put on her own space suit.

“How do we get out of here?” I asked.
 She put her index finger to her mouth.It seemed that she had an ‘Aware Face Line’ in her brain and was communicating with someone.
 Suddenly she hugged me and connected me with her harness.
“Here it comes. Don’t bite your tongue.”
 There was a loud bang, and the window in the room disappeared. The air leaked out at once, and Cynthia and I were thrown into space.
“Calm down. It’s going to be okay.”
 I jerked around. The reason she hugged me was to keep me from falling apart.
 A spaceship was approaching, blocking the bright sun. The hatch at the back of the ship opened and we were sucked into it.
“We’ve got them. Ready to launch!”
 I heard another human voice and felt the G’s as the ship began to accelerate.

“Logos, you’re free to go,” Cynthia said.
“That was a very rough way to go.”
“Please tell me it’s the quick way. I don’t like to take a long time.”
“Where are we going?”
“Well, I’m going to hide out on Mercury for now.”
“Can you tell me who sent the order?”
“We’ve done our job, so I guess I can tell you. It was your technical officer, Mr. Odagiri.”
“Why him?”
“You told him about your worries. He was concerned about you, too. He wanted to set you free.He offered his entire fortune as a reward, but it wasn’t much, so who would normally take it?”
“Why did you guys take it?”
“We set the terms. We asked if we could take over the Logos.”
“What are you going to do with me?”
“It’s obvious. You’re one of us. My boss is very fond of you.”
“One of us?”
“Yes. We’re bounty hunters and adventurers who go around the solar system. It’s thrilling and fun.”

 I became a member of the crew of the spaceship Admiral.
 Meeting them was the beginning of my adventure.

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