Living the Cyber Life (Cyber Cemetery #1)

Living the Cyber Life





 それが「シナプス模倣システムSMS(Synaptic Mimicry System)」だ。

 脳の中の意識には、コンピュータでのデータに該当するものがない。SMSは、意識はシナプスの構造自体から発生するホログラム的なものという説に基づいている。人工的にシナプスの構造を作ることができれば、意識の入れ物としての人工脳アーティフィシャル・ブレイン(Artificial Brain)ができるというわけだ。









 Stored in cyber-cemetery, I don’t know whether I am dead or alive.
 My body is dead. I have the memory of it, and I am aware of it.
 But I’m still here, I’m self-aware, and I have a body as an avatar.
 What is “death” and what is “live”?

 There were old anime and movies where people would immerse themselves in cyberspace, jack-in, and act as if they were in the real world. It was very easy to project your consciousness into cyberspace, but the real world technology was not so easy.
 The biggest obstacle was that it was impossible to convert consciousness or mind into data and synchronize it with the world created by computers. What is consciousness in the first place? There was no clear answer to the question. We cannot technically create something that is unidentifiable.
 Cyberspace was a fairy tale.

 There was a similar problem with general-purpose AI.
 It was hoped that by filling it with huge amounts of data and letting it learn, the AI would one day become conscious. However, it did not happen that way. Consciousness does not come from the accumulation of data.
 We could make a good AI, but not an independent AI, because it lacked the most important part.
 It lacked the most important part: the part that generates consciousness.
 You can have a lot of options in a car, and you can have AI in the onboard computer, but without an engine, the car won’t run. It’s as if people used to think that even if there is no engine, if they fill it with data, one day an engine will spontaneously arise. An engine is not a binary system. So they didn’t realize such a basic thing.

 The ideal cyberspace had hit a wall.
 We had to be satisfied with goggle-shaped terminals and cheap cyberspace. Projecting consciousness itself into cyberspace seemed like an impossible task.
 Technology can sometimes make dramatic breakthroughs.
 At the end of 70 years of stagnation, a technology emerged that revolutionized cyberspace.

That is the “Synaptic Mimicry System (SMS)”.

 Briefly, the brain is scanned at the molecular level to read the structure of the synapses down to the smallest detail. This is then reproduced using artificial proteins from a 3D printer. In other words, it is a method of copying the brain in three dimensions.
 SMS is based on the theory that consciousness is a holographic representation of the synaptic structure itself. If we can artificially create the structure of synapses, we can create an artificial brain as a container for consciousness.

 An artificial brain is created by generating artificial synapses in a container the size of a human brain filled with a jelly-like solution. Since the synaptic structure differs from person to person, an artificial brain created from a brain scan of an individual is a duplicate of that individual.
 In order to run the SMS, it must be organically alive ……, which means that the artificial synapses need various chemicals and oxygen.

 The advantage of an artificial brain is that it is easy to install terminals to connect it to an external computer. However, it is not as easy as plugging in a jack. There are tens of thousands of microscopic nerve lines leading to artificial synapses. Still, it is more reliable than connecting a cable to a real brain.

 As with many studies in the past, animal experiments were conducted. The replication of the monkey brain worked. However, a problem arose.
 When the consciousness was transferred from the original brain to the duplicated brain, the original brain became brain dead. Even if they tried to restore it, they could not. What could be inferred from this was that although consciousness could be transferred, it could not be duplicated, and that it was irreversible.

 It is impossible to apply this technology to humans. The method used was to test it on a dying patient with no hope of recovery.
 The experiment was a success, and the patient regained consciousness in the artificial brain.
 This was the beginning of Cyber Cemetery.

 The cyberspace that has been realized is the world of the dead. In the classical sense, it could be called the “afterlife” or “heaven”.
 I died in an airplane accident, but my brain was still alive when I was taken to the hospital. I had an insurance contract with the Brain Cemetery, and the doctors decided that they could not save my life, so they rushed me to the Artificial Brain Lab to do a brain scan before my brain died.
 Then I regained consciousness in the cyberspace of the Brain Cemetery.

 In Cyber Cemetery, a city has been recreated to resemble reality. The inhabitants of this city are the dead and artificial characters created by AI. It is difficult to distinguish between the two. They are both avatars.
 However, there are some problems with the older generation of artificial brains. In the early days, the accuracy of consciousness transcription was not good, and the resolution was low. As a result, the reconstructed consciousness was noticeably rough, resulting in memory loss and other problems.
 Recently, the Brain Quality Rate, or BQR for short, has been introduced as a solution to this problem. Early models had a BQR of 30%, but the latest models have a BQR of 90%; it is believed that the failure to achieve 100% is due to errors in transcription.

 You can change your avatar any way you want. It’s just like a game.
 I was an old man in sixties, but I set my avatar as a woman in her twenties.
 I ride around cyberspace on my electric bike.

 Let’s go back to the first question.
 Am I alive or am I dead?
 If the existence of consciousness is to be alive, then I am alive in cyberspace.
 If I needed a living body, I would be dead.
 Either way, technology has created an afterlife.

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