Rocked by a dragon horse (Ezaphos #4)

Rocked by a dragon horse


「すごい! まさにファンタジーの世界ね」サラはいった。


「そうなのですか? わたしはてっきり妻のひとりだと思いました」
「このポンチョは、そういう意味じゃないの。わたしの国では、未婚で胸を出す習慣はないのよ。それでお願いなんだけど、お風呂ある? それともっとましな着るものはないかしら?」

「え? まぁ、そうともいえるけど、人間の女は大人になるとこうなのよ」


「サラ様! こんなにレベルの高いウイッチにはお目にかかったことがありません。わたしは足下にも及びません」

 Kaito and Sara were on their way to the capital of the Kingdom of Alysia on the Dragon Horse.
 They were getting to know each other very well.
“When we get to the capital, I’d like to get some clean and neat clothes first. I’m tired of these flimsy sheets,” she said.
 She didn’t have anything to wear, so she cut a hole in the bed sheet to put her head through and used it as a poncho.
“I like it when you dress like that,” he said with a grin.
“That’s what high school boys do. It’s nice and warm here, but there’s no way I’m wearing just a sheet and no underwear.”
“You’ve seen the elven villages. They wear only a loin cloth. That’s normal here.”
“I was surprised to see a young woman with her breasts out.”
“Unmarried women show their breasts, and Sara was wearing that poncho to cover her breasts, so people thought you were my wife. It was too much trouble to explain, so I just let it slide.”
“Is that why you were so polite to me?”
“Yes. I’m a hero’s wife.”
“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m grateful. I’ve been fed a good meal.”

 It took them three days to reach the royal capital of Sylva.
 As they rode the Dragon Horse, they could see the royal palace and the castle town from the hill.
“It’s amazing! This is a fantasy world,” Sara said.
“This world, unlike ours, is governed by a different set of physical laws called magic. It’s similar in some ways, but different in many others.
 As I explained before, humans are in the minority here. In the kingdom of Alysia, 60% are elves, 20% are bestians, 10% are humans, and 10% are slaves. Also, there is no idea of equality, and there is no gender equality. However, it is possible for women to rise in the ranks if they excel. It’s a world of the weak and the strong,” Kite explained.

 When we entered the town, we were greeted with a huge welcome from the people, who were excited to see our hero Kaito.
“You must be very popular,” she said.
“Well, yeah. A warrior summoned to fight a demon tribe is an object of worship in itself. Although my status as a human is low, my presence has improved the treatment of the other humans. My ambition is to create a country of only humans,” he said.
“That’s a great ambition.”
“It won’t be easy, but you can help us. If you are the strongest warrior and the strongest witch witch, you can see the possibilities.”

 After they had an audience with King Alysia at the royal palace, Kaito introduced Sara to Aster, the elven female wizard.
“I was surprised. I didn’t know that the demon tribe had summoned the witches. If you had been our enemy, we would have been outmatched, and I thank you for following me, Master Kaito.”
 Aster dropped to his knees and hung his head.
“It was just a matter of time. Don’t be so formal,” Sara said.
“Your wife needs to be treated with appropriate courtesy.”
“─ Well, that’s the thing, I’m not married to him.”
“Really? I thought he was one of my wives.”
“That’s not what this poncho means. In my country, it is not customary for unmarried women to show their breasts. So do me a favor. Do you have a bath? And do you have anything better to wear?”
“Yes, sir. This way, please.”
 Aster led Sara to another room.

 Sara soaked in the hot water in the bathroom.
“Huh, it feels good to have a bath for the first time in a week.”
 Aster had called several maids.
“Lady Sara, when you get out of the bath, I will take your measurements so that I can make you something to wear. We don’t have anything for humans to wear.”
“Oh, yes, I understand.”
 When Sara got out of the bath, the maid came over to her, wiped her body and took her measurements.
“Your breasts are magnificent. You are ready to have a child,” Aster said.
“What? Well, you could say that, but that’s how human women are when they grow up.”
“I beg your pardon. I’m sorry. Elves don’t have breasts until they are in estrus.”
“Oh, I see. Astaire only shows her left breast. What does that mean?”
“It’s a sign that she is engaged to be married. We’re going to tie the knot when the next mating season comes.”
“And when is that?”
“Six months from now.”
“Congratulations, is that right?”
“Yes. It’s an honor to be a woman.”

“Do you have any requests regarding your attire?” Aster asked.
“As I said before, it is not customary in my country to bare one’s breasts, so I want them covered. I’ll leave the rest to you,” Sara answered.
“I will take care of it. Please wait a few hours. In the meantime, you can stay in the guest room.”
“What’s the harm in that?”
 He had been told by Kite that in this world there was no sense of shame in being naked.
“Well, okay.”
 Sara was taken by Aster to the guest room.

“I’ve been asked by Master Kaito to teach Lady Sara how to use magic,” Aster said.
“I’m a witch, he said. I want to help him, so I need you to make me a full-fledged wizard.”
“Can you show me the katastasi?”
“Yes, katastasi!”
 Sara showed her status.
 Astaire rolled his eyes in surprise.
“Lady Sara! I’ve never seen such a high level witch before. I’m not even close.”
“I’ve never seen such a high level of witchcraft before. Please, teacher.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Well, let’s get started.”
 Aster began his lecture with the basics of magic.

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