Griffin and the Princess

Griffin and the Princess







「グリ、お願い! 飛んで!」



 The baby griffin I’ve been raising can now fly.
 The child’s name is Guri. It was said that griffins don’t get along with people, but to me, they are like dogs. But when griffins grow up, they may wake up to their wild instincts. I’m prepared for that.

 As the fourth princess, I am not allowed to leave the royal palace grounds alone. The grounds are spacious, so it’s not that inconvenient, but I don’t have any friends close to my age. After my sisters got jobs at the palace, they didn’t want to play with me anymore.
 That’s when I met Guri.
 I was taking a walk in the hills behind the house when I found an injured baby griffin, about the size of a puppy. I tried to pick it up, but my guard, Cirsium, a female warrior (Bellatrix), stopped me. She’s my chaperone.
“Princess Enzian, you must not touch her. Griffins are fierce, even as children.”
“But it’s injured.”
“Perhaps it was snatched from the nest by an eagle and dropped on its way. Griffins are fierce.”
“It’ s going to die.”
“That’s nature’s way.”
“I want to take it home.”
“Please, Cirsium.”
 I pleaded.
 Cirsium sighed loudly. She took a cloth bag and put it over Griffin’s head, tying his clawed paws.
“Griffins are a bit more docile when you cover their eyes. With these injuries, he’ll probably die anyway.”
“Please don’t tell anyone about this.”
“Yes, sir.”

 I moved the chickens out of the coop and turned it into a griffin coop.
 Cirsium had tended to his own and his comrades’ wounds on the battlefield, so he knew basic medical skills. Griffin appeared to have broken his left front leg, right back leg and ribs. She applied human medicine and fixed him with a splint.
“If the ribs get stuck in your lungs, you might not survive,” she said.
 I patted the prone griffin.
“Princess, it’s not every day you get to touch a griffin.”
“I’m going to name him Guri. I will name him Gris. It is a secret between Cirsium and me.”
“I understand.”

 Guri, contrary to Cirsium’s expectations, did not die.
 Griffin only ate raw meat, so I Guri up some chicken into a paste and poured it into his weak mouth.  I stayed with Grifin and nursed him.
 A week later, Guri was able to eat raw meat as it was, and a month later, Guri could walk.
 Guri was a gentle boy and obeyed me.
“Griffin is smart to begin with, but Gris never ceases to amaze me. Maybe he thinks the princess is his parent,” said Cirsium.
“When will he be able to fly?” I asked.
“I think it will take six months to a year, since his wings are still small and his muscles are not yet strong enough. When they can fly, we’ll let them go. Griffins need to hunt for themselves to survive.”
“Right. Until Guri can fly.”

 I spent some time playing with Guri in the garden of the annex that had been given to me. I had to warn the court ladies not to tell anyone about Guri, because I couldn’t hide him from them if I let him out of the hut. They were on my side, so I knew they wouldn’t rat me out to their mother.
 Guri was so friendly that even the court ladies, who had been afraid of him at first, eventually started playing with Guri. Guri would run around the yard after me, sometimes catching mice.
 Spending time with Guri became an important time for me.

 About a year after we picked up Guri, he had grown to the size of a medium-sized dog. The wings on his back had also grown large and magnificent.
“I think he should be able to fly by now,” said Cirsium.
“You don’t have to be taught to fly?”
“It’s a griffin’s instinct.”
 A few months later, however, Guri showed no signs of flying.
“It seems I was wrong. Maybe Guri is so used to humans that he doesn’t think of himself as a griffin,” said Cirsium.
“What should we do?” I asked.
“We’ll have to do some rough treatment.We need to remind him that griffins’ wings are meant to fly.

 I picked up Guri and threw him from a little high place. Guri landed very easily, but he didn’t try to use his wings. He didn’t know how to use his wings. I decided to train him by raising the height little by little.
 I tried to drop him from the second floor terrace, but if he didn’t land properly, he would get hurt.Thinking about it, I couldn’t take my hands off him.
“Princess, you have to be serious,” said Cirsium.
 My hands trembled as I held Guri in my arms.
“Guri, please! Fly!”
 I let go of the hand that was holding Guri.
 Just before he fell to the ground, he spread his wings and glided to the ground. It was the first time he had used his wings.
 After a few more weeks of training, Guri was able to flap his wings.

 I went out into the garden and called out for Guri. He came out from behind a tree, flapped his wings and flew to me.
“Guri is a clever boy. You’ve flown long enough.”
 I heard a high-pitched cry from far away. It was the cry of a griffin.
 The griffin looked in the direction of the cry and shook its wings. He can tell it’s the call of his own kind.
“I can tell that it’s one of our kind. You’re not alone.”
 I patted his head, and he let out a sweet “coo, coo” sound.

 Suddenly, Guri started to run, and took off with an aide.
“Guri! What’s wrong?
 I was surprised to see something I had never seen before.
 It rose into the sky, circled over the annex several times, and then flew away in the direction of the distant mountains.
 I called out loudly, but Guri did not come back.
“Princess, Guri’s leaving the nest. He’s going to live on his own.
“I know. I know, but I’ll miss you ……, Cirsium.”
 I cried.
“Princess, you will have to be on your own sooner or later. Just like Guri.”
 I couldn’t stop crying.

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