The Princess’s Melancholy (Princess of Mars #2)

The Princess's Melancholy









 Princess Lynn was fed up with the gravity of Terra.
 She had known about it, but she hadn’t expected it to be as hard as it was. Scientists said she would eventually get used to it, but it was going to take several months. She wondered to herself if she had done the right thing by flying out of Mars.

 But there was no way she could go back to Mars now.
 The princess had to become queen on Terra and start a new kingdom. That was why she had come to Terra.
“There is no future for Mars. I will live on Terra for my descendants.”
 Princess Lynn decided.

 The life expectancy of Martians is long.
 The working class is about 200 years old, the soldier class is about 500 years old, and the queen is about 5000 years old. However, they are not immortal, and any fatal physical injury will result in death. Many died prematurely because they were unable to complete their lifespan, dying in battle in wars between nations.
 Another reason Lynn had escaped Mars was the constant wars. The differences between kingdoms mean different queens, and it is a battle for the survival of the bloodline. If they lose, they will have no choice but to perish.

 A brilliant scientist said that the ecology of the Martians implied their self-destruction. The bloodline with the Queen at the top enhances the unity of the kingdom. On the other hand, they are incompatible with different queen bloodlines. The difference in bloodlines creates an instinctive dislike and repulsion. It is an instinct of self-preservation, but it also hinders peaceful coexistence.
 It was an evolutionary means for the strong queen and her clan to survive, but when technological advances made mass slaughter possible, they faced the danger of collapsing together.

 Martian society is a strict class society, but this is not just a class, it is a class based on physical differences.
 The working class is small and neutral with no gender difference. As the name implies, they produce the necessities of life. Many scientists are of the working class.
 The soldier class is large, has specialized physical abilities for fighting, and is only male in gender. The queen’s stud men are chosen from the soldier class.
 The nanny class is female only, and they do not bear children themselves, but rather take the eggs laid by the queen and nurture them in their wombs. They are also responsible for raising the child after it is born as an embryo.
 When the child is about two years old, the physical differences between the two classes become apparent, and at the age of three, the child is handed over to adoptive parents of the respective class.

 Princesses who become queen candidates are rarely born. This is because queens are long-lived. When the queen becomes old, several princesses are born. The princesses compete with each other, sometimes fighting, and the strongest one takes the queen’s place.
 Lynn survived, but she also felt a sense of emptiness. She had been good friends with the princesses she fought as a child. But her instincts whispered to her to fight. She couldn’t resist the urge.

 Lynn felt a change in her body. The spawning season was approaching.
 The egg-laying room was ready, so she would have to declare herself queen and go through the “Fertilization Period”.
 In order to lay many eggs, she must invite a man into her bed every night. The number of stud men had been narrowed down to twelve, the chamberlain said. They were all strong men who had distinguished themselves as warriors and were chosen to be worthy of descendants.
“Twelve. ……”
 Lynn sighed.
 The previous generation of queens had taken on 50 in one season. No wonder the Cruse Kingdom has grown so powerful.
 For Lynn, even twelve was a heavy burden.

 A few days later, Lynn declared herself Queen and named her new kingdom Terrania.
 It was a small kingdom of about 200 people, including the bloodline that had come to Earth with her, and the bloodline that had followed her.
 That night, Lynn called the first man to her bed.
“Come, hold me. I’ll take your sperm.”
“Yes, sir.”
 The man climbed into the queen’s bed.

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