Angelus in the Blue Sky (Ezaphos #8)

Angelus in the Blue Sky

 有翼族アンゲルス(Angelus)の住む天空の島カエルム・インスラ(Caelum Insula)に、恋の季節が訪れた。



「彼らにだって家族はいるだろうし、子供も産むんでしょ? 邪悪な存在に家族なんて必要なのかしら?」









「はい。その前に、お水をいただけますか? ずっと飛んできて、喉がカラカラなんです」

 In Caelum Insula, home of Angelus, the season of love has come.
 The men sing and the women dance in the sky. The love festival lasts for ten days.
 Couples who are attracted to each other dance for joy and declare themselves a couple. After dark, the men take the women to the nidus they have prepared.
 Not all young men and women get married. Those who do not meet their match must wait until the next season of love.

 Primula looked unconcerned as she bounced over the trees.
“Oh, boring. I’m sick of all the guys who can’t sing. I’m not interested in men in the first place.”
 She was annoyed with herself for being so restless and fidgety.
 It was when she was a girl that she looked forward to the once-in-a-decade love festival. I even admired the older students who danced for love.
 However, when I reached that age, I realized that the Love Festival was a fork in the road of destiny that would determine the rest of my life. If you don’t meet the right person, you will remain single, unable to enter the village and unable to bear children. It was a family tradition, but I thought it was unreasonable.

 Caelum Insula is made up of several islands floating above the ocean, cut off from the world below.
They had heard bits and pieces about the races living on the ground, but refused to get involved.  They wanted to live peacefully in their own world.
 Primula’s curiosity was piqued by the fact that the earthly world had become a taboo subject.

“What kind of people would a race that looks different from us be?”
 She let her imagination run wild.
 Elves, Bestians, Humans, Larva race, Jade Elves, Mermaids ……, the history books depicted them as an evil race.
“They also have families and bear children, don’t they? Why would an evil being need a family?”
 Primula’s inquisitive mind questioned the idea of evil.
 At some point, she wanted to leave the island and come down to earth.

 There is no Angelus who wants to leave the island. This is because there is no need to do so, and there is no way to survive off the island. The island is above the ocean, far from the continent, and the only place he can fly with his wings is within the island’s territory. It is said that the air down there is too heavy for Angelus’ wings to fly.

“I wonder if anyone has ever confirmed that?” Primula wondered.
 It was all lore, and no one on the island had ever been there. No one really knows the truth.
 It was said that the nearest continent was 200 miles away, but that was uncertain. If you climbed to the top of the highest mountain on the island, you could see the distant mountains of the continent on the horizon on a clear day. There was no doubt that they were far away.
 Primula had made up her mind to leave the island.

 Getting down to the lower world itself is easy. All you have to do is jump off the edge of the island. It’s only about 225 meters from the sea, so you can glide down with your wings. Fishermen who fished in the sea sometimes descended to the sea.
 The problem was how to get to the continent after landing in the sea.
“Even if I could fly, I couldn’t fly two hundred miles. We need a boat,” she said.
 If I could use a fisherman’s boat, that would be great, but there is no way I can carry a boat that takes ten people to unload by myself. The small river boat they used on the island would probably tip over in the rough seas.
 The only way left was to get a ride on one of the lower people’s boats. On rare occasions, a boat would pass by the island. She would take that chance, jump off the island, and get on the boat. That was her plan.

 While the people were floating around at the love festival, the lookouts spotted a ship from the lower world appearing on the horizon. Ever vigilant, they kept a watchful eye to avoid any contact with the lower world. The information was passed on to the elders, who instructed the elders to let the youngsters and children stay at home. The love fest was suspended.
 Primula had her chance.
 Part of her wanted to find a boyfriend at the festival, but her curiosity about the unknown got the better of her.
 She snuck out of the house and headed for the edge of the island.

 Primula looked for the ship in the sea below.
“Found it. It’s a bit far, maybe three or four miles. I think I can fly that far.”
 When the time came to go, she began to feel nervous. It was a violation of the law.
 She mustered up her courage and jumped.

 Primula spreads her wings and glides from the island in the sky. She kept her altitude as high as possible in case the air became too heavy for her to fly. Even if she couldn’t flap her wings, she thought, she could still glide.
 As I looked back, the island was getting further and further away. I began to feel sad, but I continued to glide forward.
 I realized what it was like to feel the air getting heavier. The feeling of being pulled downward became stronger. But it was not so much that I couldn’t fly. I thought it was a somewhat exaggerated legend.

 As she glided along, her altitude continued to drop gradually, and even when she flapped her wings to regain altitude, it was too soon. She was flying just above the surface of the sea.
 She was almost to the ship she was aiming for.
 The muscles in her back that moved her wings were fatigued and she was exhausted. She gathered her strength and flapped her wings to gain altitude.
“Hopefully this will get me to the deck.”
 She spread her wings as wide as she could and glided to the deck.

Kaito, Sara, Aster, and Phaios were surprised by the sudden arrival from the sky.
“Um, excuse me, please let me on the ship!” Primula pleaded earnestly.
“I’ve never seen an Angelus before,” Aster said.
“Wasn’t that the stuff of legends?” Phaios asked.
“It was a legend, but I’m surprised it’s still alive,” Kaito said.
“Hey, isn’t she asking for help?” Sara said.

“Let’s hear your name. My name is Kaito,” Kaito said.
“My name is Primula, and I’m from Caelum Insula.”
 She then pointed to a distant island in the air. The island was half hidden by clouds.
“I’ve seen the island in the sky a few times, but I never thought Angelus would be there. Now, can you tell me why you came off the island?”
“Yes. But first, can I have some water? I’ve been flying for a long time and I’m thirsty.”
 She took a drink of water and began to tell me the story.

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